With Grateful Thanks to All Our Sponsors
Why Come to Brisbane in September 2023?
Hear keynote presentations and workshops from leading international liturgists and composers - Professor Timothy P. O'Malley PhD, Sarah Hart, Associate Professor Maeve Louise Heaney VDMF and Rev Dr Tom Elich.
Oz Composers
including Will Brown, Gen Bryant, John Burland, Andrew Chinn, Fiona Dyball, Timothy Hart, Drew Lane, Michael Mangan, Paul Mason, Anne Millard, Jane Mitchell, Jenny O'Brien, Monica O'Brien, Patricia Smith, Paul Taylor and more.
Oz Liturgists
including Bishop Paul Bird CSsR, Fiona Dyball, Rev Dr Tom Elich, Rev Fr John Fitz-Herbert, Sr Judy Foster sgs, Anne Frawley-Mangan, Sr Louise Gannon rsj, Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Rev Dr Stephen Hackett msc, Bishop Ken Howell, Michael Mangan, Paul Mason, Sophy Morley, Dr Jenny O'Brien, Sr Ursula O'Rourke sgs, Dr Carmel Pilcher sosj, Dr Paul Taylor, Josie Ryan, Dr Carmel Stuart, Very Rev Peter Williams AM, Dr Christine Wood, Dr Anthony Young, and more.
With more than 500 liturgists, pastoral musicians and religious educators expected from around Australia and New Zealand, there are many great opportunities for conversation and discussion.